Wondering what to read this summer, visit your Local Public Library
Or join your local Public Library Summer Reading Clubs!
Have a great Summer Everyone! Happy Reading.
Surrey Public Library

Strange... but true?
Summer Reading Club begins
Tuesday, June 19, 2012.
All ages and free! Sign up to take part in program, storytimes, contests, games, special performers, and prizes.
How does SPL Summer Reading Club work?
- Sign up at any of Surrey Libraries' nine branches and get a reading record and calendar.
- Read (or be read to) books, magazines, comics, at home, at the library, or on vacation.
- Read 15 minutes or more everyday! Mark one box in the calendar for every day that you read.
- Write the title and author of every book you read (or someone reads to you) in your reading record.
- Collect stickers! After reading for 7 days, get a sticker for your reading record. Collect all 7 stickers!
- Earn a medal! Read for 49 days and receive a medal!
Need something great to read? Check out our Great Books for Kids!
Visit the official Kids SRC website for booklists, quizzes and more!
Visit the official Kids SRC website for booklists, quizzes and more!